Matrix Array

Matrix Array

The Matrix Array series comprises the APG4000 and APG6000 matrix systems. These front-of-house systems can be used independently or combined together. Offering very high directivity control, they are designed for high precision acoustic coverage inside or outside, for rental use, or permanent installation.

Each system is composed by two speakers of identical dimensions: full range "HI" type speaker and low frequency "LO" type speaker.
The APG4000 is a mid-throw, mid-power system, can be used stacked or flown, indoor or outdoor up to 40 meters.
The APG6000 is a high precision & high power line-source system intended mainly as a long-throw complement to the APG4000. The APG 6000 can also be used as a stand alone system for high precision coverage in reverberant environment.

Thanks to their identical ergonomics and acoustic directivity pattern, these systems are fully compatible and complementary. The result is an unlimited possibility of configurations defined by the principle of a "matrix" sound system. This combination offers unique modularity: 4000HI & 6000HI can be used alone for vocal applications. With the 4000LO & 6000LO, the number used depends on the requirement of the performance for low end. Sub-woofers can be added for extra infra-bass reinforcement.

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